We are specialized in all kinds of handbags,backpacks,shoulder bag,sling bags, travel bags, waist bags and so on.There are 1 major brands in our company "Good Csat"which are very popular in 200 countries around the world. Our products has over 300 distributors around the world and are sold in various e-commerce platforms both at home and abroad. We passed SGS Enterprise Strength and Product Certification.Dedicating to strict quality control and thoughtful customr service, our experienced staffs always integrate to designing,manufacturing and marketing together. We have very professional design team and prodcution team.We are comminted to leading the development of bags&laggage inductry.
Country / Region
Business Type
Main Products
backpack, handbag, shoulder bag, travel bag, purses and handbags
Year Established
5 - 10 People
Turnover One Year
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
Main Markets
Eastern Europe: 30%
North America: 30%
South America: 10%