Guangzhou Long Wind Bags Industry Co., Ltd.

products: Women handbag, Backpack, Luggage case, Food Delivery bags, Office Chairs

Guangzhou Long wind Bags Industry Co., Ltd founded in 2010, we are a handbags, Backpack, Food Delivery bag, Gym bag, Travel bag,Luggage suitcase, etc.. factory in Guangzhou China. We accept OEM & ODM orders. we always get positive feedbacks for our service because we sincerely care about each of our clients and have always been responsible for them and their business. Being helpful for our clients gives us a great sense of achievement and that is what keeps us moving.Our headquartered in Guangzhou Nansha development zone, the factory and branch are located in Huadu city. The company is led by a strong leadership team to form a unity fighting group, set up 7 departments, including purchasing department, production department, R&D and design department, packaging department, quality inspection department, business department and office, responsible for the overall planning and operation of the factory. Long Wind is specializing in women's hand bags, tote bags, shopping bags, back bags, cosmetic bags, brief case, travel bags, cooler bags, trolley case. Various products manufactured by our factory are strictly complying with the national standards. Long Wind Bags fully grasping the market development and meet the international fashion trend, regularly provide different new products. When develop new bags, we stick to the philosophy of staring from customer needs and provide the best products and service as per your various requests. We adhere to the general goals of the best credibility, the best quality and the best price. Choose Long wind is to choose high quality of life. Being the manufacturer of leather goods & bags for high-end brands/clients, we are confident with our product quality. Please don't be hesitated to contact us with your enquiry or design concept. We can assure you that you can totally count on us! You can also book our service by Email or just give us a call +86 18988846387. (what's app is the same)
Country / Region
Business Type
Main Products
Women handbag, Backpack, Luggage case, Food Delivery bags, Office Chairs
Year Established
51 - 100 People
Turnover One Year
Main Markets

Trade Markets

Main Markets Total Revenue(%) Main Product(s)